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Subsidised perennial plantation insurance


A present-day agricultural business cannot be launched without taking into account the risks, which the agricultural sector is exposed to.

That’s why agricultural production risks insurance is a mandatory condition for sustainable development of any activity in this sphere.

General Asigurari Company provides the insurance solutions for individuals and legal entities that carry on their activities in the agricultural sector and are aware of potential risks, for the purpose of safe conduct of their business!

The state assumes a part of insurance expenses in compliance with Law no.183, 11.09.2020 on Subsidised Risk Insurance in Agriculture, in order to facilitate access of agricultural producers to insurance products. The amount of subsidies for perennial planation insurance makes 70% of the total value of insurance premiums.

The Government annually approves through its ordinance the Regulation on the Procedure of Distribution of Resources from the Fund for Agricultural Producers Subsiding. There are specified the insured risks and objects, which the subsidies for insurance premiums are granted for.

Insured objects

There are insured as subsidised: perennial plantations – trees, bushes, cuttings (vineyards, orchards and gardens, fruit and wine-growing nurseries).

There are insured as not subsidised: others, save for those ones mentioned above.

 There cannot be insured:

  1. Perennial plantations that are not kept in compliance with the agronomical requirements and do not correspond to the criteria set forth by the Insurance Terms and Conditions
  2. Plantations having a high degree of sparsity
  3. Losses related to damage (destruction, theft) of pillars (supports) and irrigation systems

Insured risks

Hail, winter frosts (low temperatures below the biological limit of plant resistance), floods, pest (locust) attacks and so on.

Insurance period

Perennial plantations are insured depending on the potential period of risk occurrence, for 12 consecutive months or for a shorter period.

Relying thereon, the agreements on perennial plantation insurance are concluded throughout a calendar year.

Insurer’s liability within the insurance agreements shall start at midnight (00:00) of the day following the day of payment of an insurance premium (a part thereof if payment by instalments was arranged and stipulated in the insurance agreement).

In case of perennial plantations, the insurance period shall be deemed to end at midnight (24:00) of the last day specified in the insurance policy.

 Remark: In any event, insurance protection (Insurer’s liability) cannot start after occurrence of an insured loss or in case of imminent probability of occurrence thereof, as well as before the time period specified in the insurance agreement (policy).

Insured amount

The insured amount of perennial plantations proposed to be insured is set as follows:

  • In case of young plantings (unfruitful ones) – depending on the costs for planting and care till the moment of insurance
  • In case of fruitful plantations – depending on the remaining balance cost

Insurance tariffs

The insurance tariffs are set by the Insurer in compliance with the basic tariffs for perennial plantation insurance, specified in the Terms and Conditions of Comprehensive Agricultural Insurance. The tariffs are negotiated with the Insured, depending on several factors (plant culture, area, insured risks, history of co-operation with the Client and so on), and are then used to calculate the insurance premium.


Agricultural Insurance Department,
Tel.: (0-22) 78-38-20,
Mob.: 0 680 78 555, 0 783 76 000
E-mail: dm.lareneg@orga