Phone: 022 78 38 00
Individuals Legal entities



Request the necessary INSURANCE PROTECTION and pay remotely!

Request the insurance policy by phone or by electronic means and you can make the payment of the insurance premium or the rate due to your contract directly from your bank card.

Over 700 GENERAL ASIGURĂRI consultants are ready to help you!
Contacts here.

If you coordinated the request with a GENERAL ASIGURĂRI consultant and you have been notified of the reference number and the insurance premium for payment, fill in the form below and make the payment.

Pay the policy online

I read Terms and conditions and confirm the following:

Fill in the required fields
Note: What happens if you make an incorrect online payment?

1. Contact your insurance consultant and access the Online Refund Request page (here).
2. Fill in the required data in the form.
3. A GENERAL ASIGURĂRI representative will solve your request, and the amount wrongly paid will be returned to your account.