Phone: 022 78 38 00
Individuals Legal entities

Comprehensive Home Insurance

The advantage of this insurance is the promptitude of insurance policy issue that may be also realised at home, without a need for filling in several applications for different types of insurance.
What do we insure?

  • Dwelling houses, apartments, villas and summer cottages, and so on (except for buildings and premises that are not registered at Cadastru State Enterprise and/or are in disrepair)
  • Home property
  • Accident insurance for YOUR family
  • Third-party liability

Insured risks:

  • In case of dwellings and home property:
      – Fire (fire propagation, explosion); natural disasters (storm, snowstorm, lightning, earthquake, flood); damage of the water pipeline systems, sewerage systems, heating systems and firefighting systems, water penetration from neighbouring premises; fall of airships or parts thereof, or of other objects; unlawful actions of third parties (acts of vandalism, theft, robbery, hold-up). Home property is not insured against a lightning stroke. Extra risk: ‘third-party liability insurance’
  • In case of accidents:
      – Death, disability and injuries resulting from an accident
  • In case of third-party liability:
      – Damages that may be incurred on other persons (e.g.: flooding a downstairs neighbour)

Required documents:

  • A filled-in application (standard form of the Insurer)
  • Documents that may attest the cost of property proposed to be insured – assessment report, purchase and sales agreements, invoices, bills, etc.
  • Other documents requested by the Insurer (identity card, photographs, etc.)

For information:

Property Insurance Department
Telephone: +373 22 78-57-12 / +373 69 509 550
E-mail: dm.lareneg@irunub